Brooklyn Bridge, New York

Paket Tour East Coast USA Express 6 Hari 5 Malam
Durasi : 6 Hari 5 Malam
ITINERARY PAKET TOUR USA 2019 dari PT. Danu Wisata Internasional Travel
IDR : Rp. 9.550.000

Hari 01:
Setibanya di New York, Anda akan dijemput oleh perwakilan kami dan bersama sama dengan peserta lain diantar menuju hotel 3* untuk beristirahat.
*                  Akomodasi : Double Tree Hotel atau setaraf

Hari 02: NEW YORK
Anda akan berkeliling kota New York pada pagi hari dengan melewati/mengunjungi Wall Street, Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, Metropolitan Museum, times Square, Fifth Avenue dan USS Intrepid sea air space museum.

“Untuk Ketibaan Hari Kamis & Minggu, New York City Tour akan dilakukan pada hari Terakhir (Hari Ke-6)”

*                  Akomodasi : Double Tree Hotel atau setaraf

Pada pagi hari perjalanan menuju Philadelphia , dimana disana Anda akan melihat Liberty Bell, Independence Hall. Kemudian perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju Washington DC untuk melihat White House, Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam and Korea War Memorials, National Air &Space Museum
*                  Akomodasi : Double Tree hotel atau setaraf

Dari Washington D.C. anda akan menuju Corning untuk mengunjungi salah satu pabrik pembuatan kaca, perjalanan akan dilanjutkan menuju Niagara Falls (USA Side). Anda juga dapat membeli Tour tambahan seperti IMAX movie ( Optional ) atau Maid Of The Mist Boat Ride ( Optional Apr - Oct ) yang terkenal.
*                  Akomodasi : Holiday Inn atau Double Tree Hotel atau setaraf

Anda akan menempuh perjalanan panjang menuju Boston dimana sebelumnya anda akan diajak untuk menuju Cambridge untuk mengunjungi Harvard University dan MIT. Sesampainya di Boston anda akan mengunjungi / melewati Trinity Church, John Hancock Tower, dan Boston Common.
*                  Akomodasi : Double Tree Hotel atau setaraf

City Tour di Boston pada pagi hari, mengunjungi Quincy Market dan juga anda dapat membeli tour tambahan Harbor Cruise, setelah itu anda akan diantar menuju airport (Penerbangan dari Boston harus diatas jam 13.30 dan dari New York harus diatas jam 21.00 )

- 5 Malam Akomodasi
- Tour di New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston dan Niagara Falls
- Guide berbahasa Mandarin / Inggris
- Kendaraan ber AC

- Ticket pesawat International , Airport Taxes , Fuel Surcharge
- Biaya ticket masuk di setiap objek wisata / Tour Tambahan tidak termasuk
- Biaya pengeluaran pribadi seperti laundry, minibar, Porter
- Makan Pagi, Makan Siang, Makan Malam tidak Termasuk
- Asuransi perjalanan
- Tipping yang diharuskan untuk pemandu dan pengemudi setara dengan Rp 120.000 / orang / hari ( tipping dibayarkan di negara tujuan masing masing dengan mata uang setempat)̢۬
- Biaya tambahan pada saat Public Holiday,Festival,Convention dan High Season
- Biaya Penjemputan pada saat ketibaan sebelum jam 09.00 atau setelah jam 23.00 setara dengan Rp 1.950.000 untuk 2 orang pertama, dan Rp 200.000 per tambahan orang
- Tambahan biaya apabila NO SHOW ( tidak hadir ) setara dengan IDR 6.000.000 / Orang

- Hotel bukan di daerah Downtown
-Danu Wisata internasional travel tidak bertanggung jawab atas biaya yang timbul diakibatkan keterlambatan pesawat, akibat tertahan di Imigrasi, dan bencana alam.
- Paket tour yang tidak dipergunakan sama sekali ataupun hanya sebagian bersifat non-Refundable (Tidak dapat diuangkan kembali)
- Tour, penjemputan, pengantaran berdasarkan Seat in coach (bergabung dengan peserta lain)
- Jadwal tour & hotel dapat berubah sewaktu - waktu tanpa mengurangi isi dalam acara tour tersebut mengikuti kondisi yang memungkinkan.
- Harga dapat berubah sewaktu - waktu atau tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. 

•Pembayaran dilakukan melalui
Bank Mandiri
A/C No. 142 0013 168 991
a.n. PT Danu Wisata Internasional Travel
- Call / SMS / Whatsapp : 0822 5222 2141
- BBM : 5221A7EC
- Telpon: 0852 5524 8587
- Email : danuwisatainternasional@gmail.com
Atau kirim pesan langsung melalui halaman kontak


Paket Tour Bogor
Durasi : 3 Hari 2 Malam
ITINERARY PAKET TOUR BOGOR 2019 dari PT. Danu Wisata  Internasional Travel
IDR: Rp. 1.950.000

 Hari Pertama
Anda akan di jemput di bandara Huesin Sastranegara Airport. Kemudian anda akan melanjutkan perjalanan menuju bogor dengan menggunakan bus. Tempat wisata pertama yang akan anda kunjungi adalah Wisata Cimory Riverside. Kemudian anda akan istrahat dan makan siang di restoran zombota. Setelah makan siang perjalanan anda  akan di lanjutkan menuju Taman Matahari. Dan tempat terakhir yaitu anda akan check in hotel , makan malam di hotel dan free time.

Hari Kedua
Hari ke dua akan akan sarapan pagi di restoran hotel . Kemudian anda akan melakukan perjalanan berikutnya menuju Wisata Taman Safari Bogor. Setelah dari Taman Safari Bogor anda akan makan siang dan istrahat di restoran. Dan kembali ke Wisata Taman Safari Bogor. Setelah itu anda akan kembali ke hotel untuk istrahat dan makan malam di restoran. Setelah kegiatan makan malam kegiatan free Time.

Hari Ketiga
Hari ke tiga di awali dengan sarapan pagi di restoran hotel dan kemudian check out hotel. Setelah itu anda akan berkunjung ke Wisata The Runch Puncak. Setelah ke Wisata The Runch Puncak anda akan istrahat dan makan siang di restoran. Setelah makan siang anda akan ke tempat wisata belanja dan ole-ole. Dan perjalanan terakhir yaitu menuju ke Husein Sastranegara Airport. Dan Tour selesai.

- 2 Malam Akomodasi
- Guide Lokal
- Kendaraan ber AC
- Hotel
- Makan pagi,siang,malam

- Ticket pesawat
- Tour Tambahan tidak termasuk
- Biaya pengeluaran pribadi seperti pembelian ole-ole
- Asuransi perjalanan

•Pembayaran dilakukan melalui
Bank Mandiri
A/C No. 142 0013 168 991
a.n. PT Danu Wisata Internasional Travel
- Call / SMS / Whatsapp : 0822 5222 2141
- BBM : 5221A7EC
- Telpon: 0852 5524 8587
- Email : danuwisatainternasionaltravel@gmail.com
Atau kirim pesan langsung melalui halaman kontak

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Gunung Rinjani adalah gunung yang berlokasi di Pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Gunung yang merupakan gunung berapi kedua tertinggi di Indonesia dengan ketinggian 3.726 m dpl terletak pada lintang 8º25' LS dan 116º28' BT  merupakan gunung favorit bagi pendaki Indonesia karena keindahan pemandangannya.  Gunung Rinjani  memiliki luas sekitar 41.330 ha  Gunung Rinjani memiliki kawah dengan lebar sekitar 10 km dan terdapat danau kawah yang disebut danau Segara Anak dengan kedalaman sekitar 230 m . Dengan warna airnya yang membiru bagaikan anak lautan, air yang mengalir dari danau ini membentuk air terjun yang sangat indah dan mengalir melewati jurang yang curam

Ada 2 jalur pendakian untuk mencapai Puncak Rinjani, yaitu Jalur Sembalun dan Jalur Senaru. Jalur Sembalun merupakan jalur favorit para pendaki karena meskipun treknya lebih panjang namun bisa menghemat 700 m ketinggian. Di Jalur Sembalun, pendaki akan melalui hamparan padang savana yang sangat luas dan cantik. Ada 3 pos peristirahatan di jalur ini, dan selepas dari pos 3 pendaki akan menghadapi tanjakan terjal dengan kemiringan sekitar 60 derajat. Sedangkan di Jalur Senaru, pendaki akan melewati hutan tropis yang cukup lebat dan terjal. Sama halnya dengan Jalur Sembalun, jalur ini juga terdapat 3 pos peristirahatan sebelum nantinya sampai ke pos pelawangan yang biasa digunakan sebagai area perkemahan. Gunung Rinjani bukan sekedar gunung biasa. Ia merupakan gunung merapi yang masih aktif. Disamping itu, disini pula kita bisa melihat panorama alam sekitar yang tidak kalah indah dibandingkan ketika kita melihat pemandangan sekitar pantai. Bahkan disini pula kita bisa menyaksikan sunrise dan sunset dengan lebih indah.

Keistimewaan lain yang dimiliki Gunung Rinjani Ada yang membuat gunung Rinjani begitu spesial dibandingkan dengan gunung-gunung lainnya yaitu kekayaan floranya. Jika  melakukan pendakian ke gunung ini, maka disetiap 1000 meter perjalanan kita akan disuguhi jenis flora yang berbeda-beda. 1000 meter pertama, ada flora yang beragam jenisnya dan bercampur menjadi satu keindahan yang luar biasa. Lalu di ketinggian 2000 meter kita dapat menyaksikan pohon cemara gunung yang berjejer dengan rapi. Pada ketinggian 3000 meter, kita bisa menemukan keindahan bunga edelweiss yang menjadi bunga favorit para pendaki. Selain ragam flora, di taman nasional Gunung Rinjani Lombok kita juga dapat menemukan ragam pesona fauna. Hal ini karena gunung ini merupakan Taman Nasional yang memang dijaga kelestarian habitat alamnya. Ragam jenis fauna seperti burung, rusa, landak, serta beberapa jenis monyet hidup damai disini. Monyet-monyet disini memang sangat lucu tingkahnya namun kita harus sedikit waspada karena mereka senang mencuri makanan wisatawan.

Tidak heran jika banyak pendaki dari seluruh penjuru Indonesia yang penasaran ingin bisa menaklukan gunung yang megah ini. Medan pendakian gunung Rinjani bisa dikatakan tidak terlalu sulit. Namun tetap saja membutuhkan pemandu profesional untuk bisa melakukan pendakian yang lebih aman. Bulan Juli dan Agustus menjadi waktu terbaik untuk melakukan petualangan ke gunung Rinjani. Pemandangan yang bisa dilihat dari ketinggian saat tiba di spot-spot seru digunung ini sangatlah indah.


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Kepulauan Raja Ampat merupakan rangkaian empat gugusan pulau yang berdekatan dan berlokasi di barat bagian Kepala Burung (Vogelkoop) Pulau Papua. Secara administrasi, gugusan ini berada di bawah Kabupaten Raja Ampat, Provinsi Papua Barat. Kepulauan ini sekarang menjadi tujuan para penyelam yang tertarik akan keindahan pemandangan bawah lautnya. Empat gugusan pulau yang menjadi anggotanya dinamakan menurut empat pulau terbesarnya, yaitu Pulau Waigeo, Pulau Misool, Pulau Salawati, dan Pulau Batanta.

Warna-warni terumbu karang yang ada di perairan Raja Ampat terpancar begitu indah. Tanpa harus menyelam dan masuk ke laut dalam semua isi laut dangkalnya sudah terlihat dan mewakili hampir sebagian besar isi laut dalamnya. Ikan-ikan kecil seperti menari memamerkan liukan tubuh mereka. Gelombang ombak yang tenang memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk berenang berkelompok dan mendekat ke wilayah tinggal manusia. Ikan-ikan berpadu dengan karang yang menawan menyuguhkan sebuah surga bagi para penyelam dunia. Laut Raja Ampat memang memiliki keindahan yang belum tertandingi oleh tempat manapun di Indonesia, bahkan Raja Ampat dapat disetarakan dengan perairan indah dunia seperti Maladewa, Laut Tengah, atau Kepulauan Fiji.

Raja Ampat merupakan salah satu dari 10 tempat menyelam terbaik yang dimiliki dunia. Bahkan, diakui sebagai perairan nomor satu di dunia yang memiliki flora fauna terlengkap di dunia. Seorang ahli karang, Dr. John Veron pernah menyebutkan dalam penelitiannya bahwa Raja Ampat mempunyai 450 jenis karang yang teridentifikasi masih dalam kondisi berkembang sangat baik. Sebuah lembaga Conservation International (CI) yang bekerjasama Lembaga Oseanografi Nasional (LON) dan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) juga pernah melakukan sebuah penelitian di tahun 2001 dan 2002. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Raja Ampat memiliki hampir 75% terumbu karang yang ada di seluruh dunia. Selain itu, perairan Raja Ampat adalah tempat tinggal dari 1000 lebih jenis ikan karang dan 700 jenis Moluska. Kesimpulan penelitian itu adalah tak satupun perairan dunia yang memiliki kondisi ini selain Raja Ampat.

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Welcome to my blog. My name is Mimin Andri Yani Rizky. And I'm a 3rd semester travel student, Makassar State Tourism Polytechnic. I would like to share a story about my experience while doing a Nature Field Trip in northern Toraja regency.

Happy reading, don't forget to give your comments 😊😊

On 14 15 16 October 2019 me and my classmates Department of Travel study program travel business tour conducted Nature Field Trip activities in the north toraja district. We travel for 3D2N. And before we do our nature field  trip activities we do a meeting first with our tour leader. We gathered at our beloved campus (Makassar tourism polytechnic) at 07.00 and our tour leader gave directions and gave us other tour equipment such as (songage tags, ID cards and refresmants).

Day 1
We left the campus at 08.00 and headed to Barru regency for lunch. During the trip, each student is assigned to be a tour guide. From Makassar city to Barru Regency, it takes about 3 hours. We arrived at kupa beach restaurant, barru regency. There we were welcomed by the owner of a welcome drink restaurant. Like the color of milk but not the taste of milk. Like the taste of coconut milk, but delicious and fresh to drink. After that we had lunch together, pray, rest and then continue the journey to Bambapuang, Enrekang Regency. From Barru Regency to Bambapuang, it takes around 3-4 hours.

In Bambapuang, Enrekang Regency, we did a coffee break and enjoyed the beauty of "Mount Miss". Miss Nona is also one of the tourist attractions in Enrekang Regency. Besides being able to do coffee breaks in Bambapuang, you can also buy ole ole typical of Enrekang district because there are so many different types of food that can be used as ole ole.

 After traveling from Bambapuang we continued our journey to Toraja Regency, it was great to be able to set foot again in Tana Toraja. The place is so beautiful with the characteristics of the Tongkonannya house and is one of the places I wanted to go to when I was in high school. We arrived at the senses hotel to check in, and our tour leader gave directions to get ready to do dinner at the ayam penyet ria. And our last activity was closed overnight.

Our first day trip was spent on the road because from Makassar city to Toraja district it was very far and took around 8-11 hours.

Day 02
Our activity on the second day was started with breakfast at the senses hotel and continued with a trip to Timenbayo. At Timenbayo we enjoy the beautiful views of northern Toraja.

After timenbayo we continued our journey to Lokomata. Along the road to our locomata we were amazed by the beauty of very thick dew.

Arriving at the locomata, we observed the stone grave. And while the observation was taking place we met a tourist from America along with a local guide. These tourists and guides taught us a lot. Tourists tell us how the tracking experience he did. And Gudie tour explained to us about the history of the tongkonan, tedong and stone grave houses in Toraja. After that we continued our activities on foot to the restaurant mentiro tiko.

Along the way we saw a number of Toraja communities doing mutual cooperation activities. The activity aims to replace stones from the tongkonan house as well as to tighten the ties of the Toraja community itself. The men work pushing stones using ropes and pick-up cars while women are in charge of preparing food for those who work. In addition, along the way we also saw many new stone graves were dug. And the scenery that we found was very beautiful.

We arrived at the restaurant, we had lunch, rest for a while while performing prayers. After about 1 hour we were ordered to take the bus and go to the next tourist spot, namely to the starting point of the Lempo. We also did tracking from the Lempo to Bori. During the trip, we were accompanied by views of a vast expanse of rice fields with cool breeze that has not been polluted by pollution. Morning or evening is the right time to visit.

We also visited baby grave. Baby grave is a stone grave made by Toraja people to bury babies under the age of six months. They were buried in a tree called 'Tara'. And it is said that the tare tree has a lot of latex which is believed to give breast milk to the baby in the tomb. Also when visiting baby grave we accidentally met with tourists from France. He taught us many things including teaching us the language.


After baby grave we proceed to the next tourist attraction, Bori ’Kalimbuang. This tourism object is one of UNESCO's world heritages which is located on the Poros Barana road, Pangli, Bori Village, Sesean District, North Toraja Regency. These rocks are not through natural processes, but are formed in advance and planted in the ground. The formation and planting of stones cannot be done by just anyone. This Menhir is a neat fusion with the Toraja traditional house, Tongkonan.

We rested for a moment and sat on the edge of the rice fields while enjoying the beautiful view of Tana Toraja. When we were resting, we saw many tourists passing by and many people in Toraja were wearing black clothes, which they said would do solo signs. We really want to see it but time and schedule do not allow us. So we continued our journey.

And the last place we visited was todi. Todi is a place that sells typical Ole Ole Toraja. In addition, there we can see firsthand the weaving process carried out directly by the Toraja community itself.

A very nice place to visit to buy Ole Ole in North Toraja. After from todi we returned to the hotel, dinner and over night.

Day 03
Our third day starts with checking out the hotel and having breakfast.

After breakfast we went shopping at Ole Ole at the Toraja traditional market. In the traditional Toraja market, there are many Toraja tribal souvenirs and toraja special foods. But we were only given 1 hour to shop and the next trip was to continue to lakipada.

Lakipadada is a descendant of Puang Tamboro Langi, who also was the first king with the nickname Puang Tomatasak I in tana toraja. After from lakipadada we continued our journey home to return to Makassar.

We do lunch in the town of Parepare right terrace restaurant empang and dinner at the restaurant of the dream city of Maros. After that we arrived at the campus safely.

 We thank the tour leaders,bus 1 and bus 2 drivers,as well as advocators who helped us,guaranteeing us throughout the tour activities.

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Welcome to my first blog. My name is Mimin Andri Yani Rizky. And I am a student majoring in a travel bussiness study program (UPW 3A), Makassar Tourism Polytechnic. I would like to share a story about my experience while doing Marine Field Trip on dutungan Island (Barru Regency) and Paputo Beach (Pare-pare City).

Happy reading, don't forget to give your commentsJJJ

On 10-11 October 2019 me and my classmates of the Travel Department study program tour travel business conducted Marine field activities in two places namely dutungan island (barru district) and paputo beach (pare pare city). We traveled during 2D1N. And before we do our marine trip activities we do a meeting first with our tour leader. We gathered at our beloved campus (Makassar Tourism Polytechnic) at 06.00 and our tour leader gave directions and gave us other tour equipment such as (songage tags, ID cards and audio systems). Then we left the campus at 07.00 and left for the island of dutungan.

Dutungan Island is the name. Beautiful island in the district of Barru. I along with my friends got there at 10:00 and we were divided into 2 groups to take turns riding boats to the island of dutungan. From the pier to get to the island of dutungan only takes about 5-7 minutes. Because the island of dutungan is not too far from the pier.
We arrived at dutungan island and several guards of dutungan island welcomed us at the end of the pier. Our tour leader took the direction and told us all to change clothes and gather at the seafront to hear the directions and procedures as well as the rules for doing the activities we were waiting for, snorkeling and diving.

The feeling of being afraid because I couldn't swim really haunted me. But I have the courage to see my friends who are very enthusiastic about diving and snorkeling. It was my turn and the feeling of being dumped saw that the depth of the sea added to fear, even though my body was already in a life jacket, hehehe understood because this was the first time. On the signal from the guide began with a count of 1,2,3 ... Drurrrrrr me plunged into the water. And I float. Ha ha ha. Feelings of fear disappeared in an instant. It's nice, cool. I started swimming and saw the underwater beauty. Amazed at God's creation. Large rocks are very beautiful to add to the beauty of the underwater in the island of dutungan. The colorful little fishes play coolly between the rocks. Ahh, I don't feel like going up to the dock. Want to just linger here. Ha ha ha………….But I have to take turns with my friends because everyone must feel how to snorkeling and diving.


After snorkeling I continued to the next activity which was diving. The fear that was gone came again. Because diving is a little different from snorkeling. Diving activities are diving activities carried out under the sea with a depth of 3-4 meters for beginners like us.
I also took the equipment that I had to use while diving, such as an iron waist strap, duck shoes, swimming goggles and the most important thing was oxygen. After diving equipment installed in my body the guide gives the signal and gives advice don't be afraid and don't panic. each diving activity, divers accompanied by one guide. Drruurrrrr plunged me into the sea and the guide carefully helped me to do diving activities. Unlike snorkeling, I consider diving activities difficult because I am less able to regulate my breathing through the oxygen I use.

The time showed 17:00 and we all had to get ready to leave the dutungan island and head to the Pomegranate Sari hotel in the city of Pare Pare. Ah, I still want to linger on the island of dutungan. Feeling comfortable with the cool atmosphere of a gentle breeze makes the heart does not want to leave this place. But everything was made according to the itinerary and we left the island of dutungan. See you again dutungan island. I will keep your memories of that day in my heart. Hehehe

The second day of our trip was started with morning exercise. We walked from the pomegranate hotel to the habibie and Ainun monuments. One of the famous monuments in the city of Pare Pare and South Sulawesi. Magnificent and beautiful statue. The habibie and ainun monuments are the True Love Monument, created to commemorate the love of the third President of the Republic of Indonesia Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie to his wife Hasri Ainun Besari, and to inspire the citizens of Parepare. Besides that, Ainun Habibie's true love monument is a wedding gift for Habibie on his birthday


After the habibie monument and Ainun our journey continued with a trip to paputo beach. The beach is in the city of Pare Pare. Beautiful and cool beach decorated by many coconut trees. On the beach of Papua there are many places to relax both with family, friends, friends and colleagues. On the beach of Papua, there are also many great sights for us to take pictures such as the sea, swing, gazebo etc.

And the closing activity that we do is having lunch in the village terrace of pare-pare. A very beautiful city with millions of memories. See you next time the city of pare-pare

Thank you for reading my story. Don’t be bored reading my storyJJJ

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